Obama gets owned by Kanye meme

Kanye interrupts Obama

A mashup of Kanye interrupting Taylor Swift at the VMA’s inside an Obama speech.

Obama naked with unicorns

These paintings by Dan Lacey, shows his portrayal of the president of the United States in a series of unique paintings.

Dan Lacey’s blog

heres obama getting a backrub from a unicorn

heres obama fixing a rocketship with the help of a unicorn

finally unicorn and obama vs bear.

Obama gets owned


Obama throws first pitch (like a girl)

On Tuesday, July 14, 2009 President Barack Obama, sporting a White Sox jacket, becomes just the fourth U.S. President to throw out the first pitch at the MLB All-Star Game and the seventh president to attend the event. John F. Kennedy (1962), Richard Nixon (1970), and Gerald Ford (1976) also threw out the first pitch at the Midsummer Classic.

Good pitch?